Nutrition Awareness

Obesity in Nigerian Children

I am passionate about Nutrition Education for Nigerian Children.  Which is why I am embarking on some Nutrition education for children. I have noticed more recently the incidence of Obesity in many Nigerian children especially in big cities. Many parents today, call their fat children “orobo” or “fatty  bombom” with a smack of pride on their lips? When parents themselves do not understand the obvious obesity and its attendant dangers, there is certainly a bigger problem  lying ahead.We can only have a future of adult obesity, adults with hypertension, adults with diabetes and other  related health issues.
Urbanization and modern lifestyle bring with it several issues including less consumption of nutritious meals. People prefer fast foods or very easy to prepare meals due to the fast paced lifestyle. This is why we start to see more Obesity in Nigerian Children

Don’t get me wrong eating  fast foods as very occasional foods is not a taboo. But it should be kept at a minimal level. We have to learn to eat more of nutritious foods and give same to our children. Food does not have to be expensive or time consuming. The critical issue is good knowledge on what to do  on the part of parents is what is needed. Good nutrition is one of the strongest preventative health tool available to us.

How to help reduce Obesity in Nigerian Children ?

Vanguard newspaper in Nigeria has provided 1QFOODPLATTER a platform to start  educating parents and children.

This is a  journey of helping to improve the health status of Nigerian children and help them to start a life style of healthy eating and making healthy choices about food.
Parents will  get useful tips on how to feed their children better. The column in the children’s segment of Vanguard newspaper, “My food My Health“every Sunday.
Encourage children around you to read this column. Let’s build a healthy Nigeria!

Obesity in Nigerian Children

About the author



  • More fearthers to your hat auntie, an never surprised reading your article from one of the nigérians prestigious journal (vanguard) this is because i rate you as a dinstinct cook, or rather the best amongst equals. THANK YOU LORD

  • Good after noon Auntie, pls am a young girl of 23yrs am chubby and people around me are complaining am getting fat although I notice it more on my boobs, pls can you help me recommend some foods I will take and what not to take. Thanks and God bless.

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