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Mackerel Fish in Orange Sauce

Mackerel Fish in Orange sauce is my go to dish when orange is in season. I also find this simple dish very handy when time to prepare dinner is short. This last week  was quite hectic workwise so my husband and I were  getting home late.  Mackerel Fish in Orange sauce was what I could fix in a very short time so we dont have too a late a dinner. By the time we freshened up and came down to eat, dinner was ready. Hubby was wonderung how I swong this :).

My secret was that whilst at work, I had called through to my girl at home to clean the fish and steep in orange juice. She added other  seasonings as instructed, about an hour before I got home. So as I got home I just wrapped the fish and potato in kitchen foil and popped in the oven. This is the kind of weekday meals that you can make and feel satisfied that you are treating your body well after a hard day’s job. If you are looking for some other more Nigerian quick dinner, you can try my plantain pottage

Now here is what to do to get this simple dish together.If you dont have a helper like I do, then prepare the fish and the vegetables and wrap in foil and leave in the fridge. All you do is pop in the oven when you get home. I find oven cooking quite handy when I am multi tasking at home. Besides oven cooking helps to trap all the good flavours in the food. Enjoy the nutritious goodness of omega 3 in the mackerel fish. by the way you can use some other type of fish like tilapia if you cannot stand the strong flavor of mackerel. I usually will grate some lemon rind on the fish just before serving. It really tastes great.

You can serve the fish with boiled or baked  buttered potatoes.

Recipe for Mackerel Fish in Orange Sauce ( serves 1-2)

1 whole medium size Mackerel Fish

2 Carrots , chopped in chunks

2  fresh Oranges

1/4 teaspoon ground fresh Ginger

1-2 scotch Bonnet Pepper, crushed

A few sprinkles of seasoning cubes

1 teaspoon chopped Parsley ( optional)


  1. Clean the fish and remove the gills and entrils
  2. Place fish on a kitchen foil. You may want to cut the fish in two to futher quicken the cooking
  3. Peel and carrots and chop into chunks.
  4. Season fish with seasoning cube, pepper, onion and place carrots  with the fish in the foil
  5. Squeeze on the orange juice and grate on the orange rind ( yellow skin). Be careful not to grate on the white part of the orange skin. This is the bitter part
  6. Wrap the parcel and allow to marinade for about 30 minutes
  7. Heat up the oven a couple of minutes before the fish is ready to be placed in the oven
  8. Place the parcel in the oven and cook for 25 minutes at about 400 degrees
  9. Serve warm with buttered boiled potato and a few sprigs of parsley

Mackerel Fish in Orange sauce

Mackerel Fish in Orange Sauce

Mackerel fish in Orange sauce


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